-Sally Hogshead

Let’s do a quick self assessment, in a scale of 1 to 6 (1=lowest, 6=highest)

How much self-confidence do you have? How comfortable do you feel introducing yourself at networking events? How effective are your messages to your peers, teams, managers, customers? How clear are you on your personal brand?

Would you like to know what your unique advantages are, how you are valuable to others, and what your untapped potentials are in JUST 5 Minutes?

The Fascinate® Test is a science-based assessment tool that helps you discover what other people think makes you unique, different, and valuable.

Other tests are based on psychology evaluation. We give you tools to impress and influence.
We combine proprietary Kelton Research Study results with data from over one million professionals to reveal who you are at your highest and best and why different is better than better.

In just 5 minutes, the test reveals insights about your unique advantages, your personal brand archetype that empowers you to communicate effectively with others.
When you embrace your natural qualities to fascinate, you build better relationships in personal and professional lives.
Use Fascinate® Test and How To Fascinate® packages to find out your uniqueness. Be more confident in everything you do today!

When you fascinate, your messages are understood, your teams follow you and accomplish goals and deliver exceptional results.

“Don’t change who you are. Become more of who you are.”

- Sally Hogshead

The Fascinate System™ is the only assessment that reveals how the world sees you at your best. By discovering your unique advantages, you, your brand and your team will be fully empowered to consistently make a unique and lasting impression. It helps you turn individual differences into assets.

The Fascinate System™ maps out your team’s talents and differences, providing valuable insights you simply can’t get anywhere else. It enables you to foster a team environment where everyone can excel and boost team success.

What are Fascination Advantages?

There are 7 Advantages and 49 Fascinate® Archetypes.
The archetypes are aspirational and show what is best about each person’s communication style at their highest value.

Your Archetype is your natural and unique way of using the Advantages, what make you different and most valuable. Communicating using your Advantages make you different, persuasive, influential, and successful.

Fascinate for Teams

Do you want to Attract, Motivate and Retain Your High Potential Talent?

How is your existing team most likely to over-deliver and out-perform?

Find Out in 3 steps:

1) Team Members to take the Fascinate Test

Your team members take the Fascinate test. (In just 28 questions, we measure how each person is perceived, at their best.)

2) Your Fascinate Certified Advisor will analyze the results

To reveal your hidden patterns, illuminating the ways in which your team is most likely to succeed (or struggle).

3) Customized Session with your Fascinate Certified Advisor

The analytics will provide an insider tour of your company. The goal is to uncover untapped areas of highest performance, and bring forth new  solutions to challenges.